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Ramblings of a Writer


Well today is the last day of my Blog Tour. I feel like I received some nice exposure and hopefully that will generate in to a few sales. Had 2 really nice reviews of love/life and a couple nice of nice comments from some people. If you didn't see the posts on Facebook you can find all of my stops listed on the News & Events page.


Wow this month is going by way too quick. It just started and here it is the day before my blog tour starts. Obviously I'm nervous because my book is going to be viewed by a lot of new people. Will they like it? What if they hate it? It's easy to get caught up in it all but I'm going to take the advice of my main squeeze which is relax and enjoy the moment. Thanks babe!

The month of love
So today begins a month of love. Some people think that Valentine's Day is the only day that you should show how much you love someone. I disagree. We should let our significant other know each day of the month how we feel about them. Even if its just an extra text message to say I love you or a little note in their pocket to say you are thinking of them. Make it a month long event to say "you mean the world to me and I would be lost without you".
Also since music is such a huge part of mine and my family's life, I've decided to add a Top 10 of my favorite songs every week on my Meet The Author page. You can always use the contact me link to let me know what some of your favorite songs are.

I've been working hard to revamp the website and make it a place that you want to visit. Hopefully it is, if not, please let me know what would make it cooler and more fun to visit.
The most exciting page for everyone is probably the Contests page. I'm running Rafflecopter just about every week to 10 days with books and things. Remember to check back often and enter.
Now that 2013 is here I have tried to work harder on book two of the love/life series and I'm off to a decent start. The holidays really kept me hopping between work and social obligations plus all the shopping for the kids and Bob. We had a quiet day at home on Christmas after a lovely party the night before with friends.
New Year's Eve we stayed off the roads and enjoyed an evening of delicious snacks and television. Might sound boring but here it is the middle of January and we are still alive. That's better than being a causality on the highway any day in my book.
Over the holidays I also started a new work in the YA genre. I'm not very far in but the idea came to me and I thought I should see how it comes along. Might let you guys have the first few chapters and see what your response is.
I've been promoted at work again (yay I think). I've been assigned the title of Assistant to the General Manager. The funny thing is it came with no pay increase and I still do my old job and try to get things done for David (GM). I think they saw me coming!  lol
I've made some incredible contacts with some amazing women lately. I've been scouring Facebook and the interwebs trying to find people or sites that offer promotion in exchange for a copy of the book. I've gotten some nice response so maybe if you are following me on Facebook you will let me know if you see their promotional spots posted around. And if you are not following on Facebook, then you should take this opportunity to do so while it's fresh in your mind.
I guess this is where I shall try to communicate with you here on the site. I didn't want to do a traditional blog because I have so little time to do it and if I'm writing I should really be working on the next novel.
If you think of something that I've missed on the site feel free to contact me. I'm always interested in hearing what you think.

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